WHAT IS THE FOOD CONNECTION? The Food Connection is a program that connects surplus food from food service establishments and other sources to families in the Blaine community that can use the food. This serves the dual purpose of keeping good food out of landfills and nourishing our community. We are working with the Miracle Food Network in Ferndale and Sustainable Connections in Bellingham to get access to foods donated by businesses throughout the county.


HOW DOES IT WORK? Surplus foods, which are carefully handled according to health department guidelines, are packaged into individual and family-sized portions, and packed into boxes for each registered participant. Program participants then pick up their boxes each Tuesday between 2:30 and 3:00 pm. Limited delivery is available for those not able to pick up the food themselves. Types and quantities of foods available will vary from week to week. This program is open to individuals, as well as families, who are in need of food assistance. You must be pre-registered to receive food from The Food Connection.


TO SIGN UP: Email food@blainecap.org with your name and phone number. If you do not have email, call 360-392-8484 and leave a message. A CAP volunteer will contact you to get the rest of the information we need to get you registered.


DISTRIBUTION LOCATION: Blaine Christian Fellowship, 902 Adelia St. 


Birch Bay Residents: If you prefer to pick up food in Birch Bay, you can register to participate in the food distribution program at The Bridge Community Hope Center, 7620 Birch Bay Drive, instead of CAP’s Food Connection. Pick up at The Bridge is available on Fridays, 2:00 – 4:00 pm. To register with The Bridge, visit www.thebridgehope.com or call 360-366-8763. Please note: you cannot participate in both the Food Connection and The Bridge’s program. Please choose one or the other.


VOLUNTEERS: If you are interested in volunteering with The Food Connection, please email food@blainecap.org.


Food Connection Director: Laura Vogee