Volunteers work in teams; new volunteers will be assigned to work with experienced volunteers to learn the procedures.
Volunteers are asked to commit to at least one 3 hour shift per month. There are three shifts per week to choose from: Mondays and Fridays, 9 am – 12 pm and Wednesdays, 5-7 pm.
For more information: Rochelle Halldorson, Clothing Bank Co-Director – info@blainecap.org
Crisis Assistance
Volunteers work in pairs interviewing clients and processing requests.
A volunteer commits to being on-call for one week per month to interview and verify client needs, confer with utility companies, pharmacists, and other service providers in the area.
Actual time on task may run from one hour per week to as many as eight or more hours.
Peer training is usually for six months.
Data entry by computer is required.
For more information: Aja Morris, Crisis Assistance Director – 360-392-8484 or info@blainecap.org
The Food Connection
Volunteers help pack and distribute food boxes on Tuesdays on a rotating schedule. Time frame is usually 1:30 – 3:30 pm, but may occasionally go later if things are running behind schedule.
Volunteers also pick up and record donated foods from the Blaine Starbucks and Edaleen stores several days per week.
For more information: Laura Vogee, Food Connection Director – food@blainecap.org
Coat Drive/Distribution
Volunteers are needed during the month of September to pick up coats and other donated items from the collection points around Blaine and Birch Bay and to help sort and prepare the items for distribution.
Volunteers are also needed during the second week of October to help with the distribution.
For more information: Amee Nelson, Coat Drive Director – info@blainecap.org
Thanksgiving Baskets
About thirty volunteers are needed each year to help with collecting food, filling, and distributing the baskets. All these volunteer slots are currently filled, but interested individuals may ask to be added to the waitlist.
For more information: Shirley Tobian, Thanksgiving Baskets Director – info@blainecap.org